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Useful Links

Welcome to the Neurodiverseology Useful Links Page.

We are curating a list of essential resources, websites, and support groups to enrich your understanding of neurodiversity and to increase awareness. Whether you are an individual exploring neurodiversity or a professional in the field, these resources provide a wide range of information.

Neurodivergent Support Groups across the UK:

The National Autistic Society (UK) – Provides information, support, and pioneering services for people on the autism spectrum.

ADHD UK – Provides information, diagnostic support, and strategies for adults with ADHD across the UK.

British Dyslexia Association – Provides information, resources, and training across the UK.

Neurodiverse Self Advocacy (NDSA UK) – A non-profit voluntary organisation that encourages self-advocacy and peer-to-peer support and mentoring for autistic adults regarding well-being, employment and relationship needs.

Neurodiversity Charities in the UK:

ADHD Foundation – Provides a strength-based, ongoing service to every individual with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s syndrome Syndrome, and numerous other neurodivergent conditions.

The Brain Charity – Provides practical assistance, emotional support, and social activities for individuals with brain, spine and nervous system conditions.


We hope you find these resources useful. This page will be updated regularly to provide you with the latest and most valuable information. Feel free to contact us with suggestions for additional resources via the Contact Me page.